Summit Hill Sober Living

Summit Hill Sober Living for Women

Summit Hill Sober Living operates 6 houses for women in recovery in the beautiful historic Summit Hill district of St. Paul. We are committed to providing a supportive environment for women on their journey back to their homes and jobs following inpatient addiction treatment, or establishing new connections and healthy lifestyles for a fresh start in long term recovery.

We require that all residents maintain an active program of recovery, which includes attendance to at least 3 AA or NA meetings per week, having a local female sponsor in the program who will meet each week to work the 12 steps, and adherence to a counselor’s suggested recommendations for after care following inpatient treatment. We require that residents are active in the community by being employed, attending school, or having a regular service commitment of at least 25 hours per week outside of the house.

We don’t ask for a minimum commitment, but by practicing the principles of recovery in day to day life in a safe sober living environment your commitment to length of stay is considered a high priority. There is a live-in house manager at each location.